Thursday, October 05, 2006

Are you Jesus?

This story serves as a yardstick for me in my Christian pilgrimage.

Subject: Are you Jesus?

A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention
in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty
of time for Friday night's dinner. Well, as such things go, one thing led to

The sales manager went longer than anticipated and the meeting ran
overtime. Their flights were scheduled to leave out of Chicago's O'Hare
Airport, and they had to race pell-mell to the airport. With tickets in
hand, they barged through the terminal to catch their flight back home.

In their rush, with tickets and brief-cases, one of these salesmen
inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of baskets of
apples. Apples flew everywhere.

Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in
time for their nearly missed boarding. All but one. He paused, took a deep
breath, got in touch with his feelings, and experienced a twinge of
compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned.

He told his buddies to go on without him, waved goodbye, told one of them to
call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain
his taking a later flight.

Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the
terminal floor. He was glad he did. The 16 year old girl was totally blind!
She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at
the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd
swirled about her, no one stopping, and no one to care for her plight.

The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put
them into the baskets, and helped set the display up once more. As he did
this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he
set aside in another basket. When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet
and said to the girl, "Here, please take this $20 for the damage we did. Are
you okay?"

She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't spoil
your day too badly." As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered
blind girl called out to him," Mister...." He paused and turned to look back
into those blind eyes. She continued, "Are you Jesus?"

He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered. Then slowly he made his way to
catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing about in his
soul: "Are you Jesus?"

Do people mistake you for Jesus? That's our destiny, is it not? To be so
much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we live and
interact with a world that is blind to His love, life and grace.

If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would. Knowing
Him is more than simply quoting Scripture and going to church. It's
actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.

You are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have been bruised by a
fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me up on a hill called
Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit. Let's start living like we
are worth the price He paid.

Web resources for writing research papers

A beloved friend forwarded these useful sites to me :

Dartmouth Writing Program

Sources: The Uses & Acknowledgement

Wheaton College Writing Center

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Blood of Jesus

I am thankful of a brother who sent me this note to remind me once again that the blood Jesus, cleanses us from every sin.
...the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from every sin. (1 John 1:7b)

One night in a church service a young woman felt the tug of God at her heart. She responded to God's call and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savoir.

This young woman had a very rough past, involving alcohol, drugs, and prostitution.

But, the change in her was evident. As time went on she became a faithful member of the church. She eventually became involved in the ministry, teaching young children.

It was not very long until this faithful young woman had caught the eye and heart of the pastor's son.. The relationship grew and they began to make wedding plans.

This is when the problems began.

You see, about one half of the church did not think that a woman with a past such as hers was suitable for a pastor's son. The church began to argue and fight about the matter. So they decided to have a meeting. As the people made their arguments and tensions increased, the meeting was getting completely out of hand.

The young woman became very upset about all the things being brought up about her past. As she began to cry the pastor's son stood to speak. He could not bear the pain it was causing his wife-to-be.

He began to speak and his statement was this: "My fiancée's past is not what is on trial here. What you are questioning is the ability of the blood of Jesus to wash away sin. Today you have put the blood of Jesus on trial. So, does it wash away sin or not?"

The whole church began to weep as they realized that they had been slandering the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Too often, even as Christians, we bring up the past and use it as a weapon against our brothers and sisters. Forgiveness is a very foundational part of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

If the blood of Jesus does not cleanse the other person completely then it cannot cleanse us completely. If that is the case, then we are all in a lot of trouble.

What can wash away my sins? NOTHING but THE BLOOD OF JESUS!

Source of article could not be traced

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Helpful Websites to help parents

These web sites offer an abundance of tips for keeping your kids safe. Hope you find this useful.
The above is taken from : Cohen, Alan, Do you know where your kids are clicking?, PC Magazine - Singaproe (Aug 2006) pg 76 - 83.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Praise the Lord! We are one step nearer to the completion of phase II renovation

In the past few weeks we thank God for allowing us :
  • to repair the orange awning at the front of the school
  • to add new lighting to the Journal Collection at the attic
  • to install 4 new phones
  • to have three volunteers helping in the cleaning and maintenance of the building
  • to install 1 additional air-con to meet the cooling needs of the reference room on the 4th floor
  • to be able to add thumbnail image to a bibliographical record
  • to be able to add pdf file to the bibliographical record
  • to be able to add pdf file to issue at the holdings area for electronic journals
  • to be able to list the course text/s and recommended text/s for each course code in the Course Reserve Collection
Please call the library staff at tel: 6227-6815 for a guided tour.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

I succeeded in podcasting!

It has been a while since I posted on this blog as I was figuring how to load images and do podcasts. I hope to use this tool to share about my workplace and to enhance the training of the laity in BGST.

Here is a podcast of one of BGST's lunchtime talk, "Why study the Old Testament?" by Dr. Philip Satterthwaite.

powered by ODEO

We can use this for distance education by creating a private blog. We can use this to send tutorial classes to students who were absent from the class. We can use this to promote the school by putting chapel messages on our website and so forth.

Isn't this exciting?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Report on the course on Blogs!

The workshop facts are slowly sinking in. The benefit blogging is instant news without waiting for other parties to assist you to publish the news. As a result of the workshop, this blog account was created.
Ivan did not give us much theory and definition about blogs. He said there are lots of info out there.
True enough here are just some links I found helpful :
Incidentally is a good site to subscribe to.
Do you agree?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leetspeak : a parent's primer to computer slang

In BGST we conduct courses on Speech Communication. I doubt we will ever conduct a course on Leetspeak. Microsoft has an article on this new language that kids use on-line with their keyboard. It is found at

Definition from the site : "Leetspeak, or leet for short, is a specific type of computer slang in which a user replaces regular letters with other keyboard characters to form words phonetically. Though it was originally used by computer hackers and online gamers ("leet" is a vernacular form of "elite"), leet has moved into the Internet mainstream. Your kids might use it online for fun, and you might even have seen a word or two used by your own friends and associates online."

One day you may need this site to understand someone or your own children's language on-line. For me, I just hope I will never need to use it.

Any comments?